
Senior Pastor Richard P. Hagedorn, Jr


A brief personal testimony:

Upon my graduation of secular college in South Carolina, the Lord used certain events in my life to draw me to His word. After understanding the simple truth that I am sinner and needed a savior (Romans 10:13), I bowed my head and received Jesus Christ as my Savior. Immediately the Lord changed my goals, dreams and aspirations towards sharing this wonderful salvation with others. After a deep and long conviction by the Holy Spirit of God, I surrendered my life to preach the Gospel and the work of the ministry. Surrendering is a wonderful thing!

It has been my privilege to be ministering here at Trinity Baptist since 1999. It is interesting how our Lord had a “Jersey boy,” go down south, get saved, send him to the Chicago-land area to be trained and return to the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area to Pastor in his home state. Praise the Lord for his leading! We would hope that the Lord would lead you here also.

I am thrilled to Pastor a multi-cultural and multi-racial Baptist church representative of our local area. I believe Trinity Baptist Church to be similar to the Jerusalem church in the book of Acts. The Bible has the answers for all situations. It is our authority for faith and practice here are Trinity. Our church has sweet people that love the Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of God. We hope the Holy Spirit would lead you here for a visit so that we may serve your spiritual needs.

In Christ,

Richard P. Hagedorn, Jr.

Senior Pastor, Trinity Baptist Church